Friday, November 2, 2007

Passed the bar.

I am so relieved. I can quit thinking about it and wanting to heave, to start with. It's a whole new world of not living in constant dread. Now I can start worrying about getting the office together.

I started the Earl Grey socks last night, and frogged them earlier this evening because I realized I'd gorked the pattern beginning up. I'll cast them back on tonight, and hopefully I can get the ribbing back on.

I spent a lot of the day on the phone calling friends, and a couple of hours working on my Nano novel. It was like pulling teeth out of my brain, and the idea I thought I had has morphed into an idea that I had last year that I didn't do anything with. I hope they work together, because they're now stuck together. I made it to 1,706 words, but the weekend's kind of shot for writing. I have no idea if I'll be able to pull this off this year. I wish I remembered how badly the first few days went when I did the last one in 2003. It seems like I had a better plot, though.

My DH has gone hunting. This week is the opening of deer season, and I get extra good wife points for not bitching about him wanting to go even though I thought grade release would be tomorrow. Tongith, there was no reason to talk him into staying what with me being out of my anticipatory misery. I won't sleep well without him. Might as well knit.

1 comment:

Sherilyn said...

Congrats! That's wonderful! I know how much work goes into an exam like that. Some 12 years ago or so I passed the CPA exam and the relief I felt was palpable.