Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Licensed, and suddenly finishing things.

I got my license in the mail late last week, and I've been trying to get things up and running for the last few days. I called a few people who had wanted me to call when I got the license, bought some office supplies, and made some plans. I've figured out what color the office needs painting, and I have the possibility of a few people who might want to pay me to do some lawyer stuff for them. I'm trying to remain hopeful even though I spent most of yesterday expecting phone calls and occasionally checking the phone to see if it still worked. I'm guessing there will be busy days and days when I'll wonder what I was thinking. I also discovered late this afternoon that if you carry the phone around all day, no matter what you're doing, a potential client will call when you've finally wandered off and left your phone somewhere, after business hours but before you would have knocked off if you had known a potential client would call. I hope I can reach them tomorrow before everyone heads out for the holiday. It would be nice to know I had some actual billable work to look forward to.

Today I stayed around home and did laundry and got ready to pack for the trip to see the folks this weekend. I have a bad case of the "I don't wannas" because I really don't feel like taking a long trip to eat a "family" Thanksgiving at the club, but it's not my house or kitchen it's happening in and I've run out law school to use as an excuse to spend the holiday at home cooking something decent in my own kitchen. My mother will probably want to go shopping on Black Friday, too, which fills me with horror. I'm looking forward to coming home already.

The bright spot in the trip is that I'm hoping to see some of my friends, and I finally finished the purple tank top of doom so I could hand it off to the mother of the child I hope it will fit. The finishing went much more easily than I thought it would, and I am filled with unjustified confidence for the eventual finishing of the Arwen sweater, which I haven't started yet. I might start it tonight if I have time so I have more than one thing to do this weekend. I'm afraid one project won't be enough to keep my patience running this weekend.

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