Thursday, May 8, 2008

Busy, and Socks

I've been busy with all sorts of things the last couple of months trying to get stuff started with the practice, and I guess it's mostly working. I'm working with a client on all the details that crop up before a divorce can be finalized, I have a probate hearing in a week and a half, I'm working on wills for a couple of people, and in theory I have a trial in July on a civil matter. It's not like I have nothing to do. I probably have about the right amount going on considering my experience level. I'm just not making any real money yet, and sometimes that's keeping me up at night.

Meanwhile, because the grass is always greener, I wish I had more criminal defense work even though the last two criminal defense clients stiffed me. (See previous comment about lack of money keeping me up at night.)

I registered with the state bar's referral service, and so far I have had one referral from them, an individual who did not tell me the whole truth about why his probation was being revoked. He then proceeded to stand me up for three appointments in a row, and then ceased to call back after I explained to him that I was not going to be able to give him a payment plan and he'd have to come up with the fee up front. (Once again, see previous comment about money and previous defense clients.)

So I shouldn't complain. Instead I make socks. A week or so ago I finished a pair of self-striping blue socks out of one of last year's Aktion limited edition colors.

The yarn was a gift from either Minirth or Goldenbaer at the group Yule party last winter, as one of them had bought it and then decided they didn't like it much. I think everyone has figured out that I'm a sucker for self-striping yarn, so I ended up with it. I used the Yarn Harlot's basic sock recipe. The length is good but for some reason these have really baggy ankles.

I'm also half finished with Pomotamus. I guess what I have here is one and a half Pomatami. These are a blast to knit, but really? They're all ribbing. I love how they look and how they feel, but after a few rows the construction gets a little tedious. Still, they're so pretty I bought pretty little stitch markers especially for them.

Because they're really stretchy, what with being all ribbing, the first one fits great and the second one probably will too. If the thought of doing another pair of these didn't make me feel a little faint (the ribbing! no more! have mercy!) I'd probably make these my default socks made for other people because they're impressive, pretty, and likely to always fit without being baggy. Cookie A. is a genius, but I think she may be the slightly mad kind of genius.

Tonight I'm going to go knit at Minirth's. Really, I'm going to take my knitting and valiantly try to keep it out of the paws of the new litter of kittens over there. I might knit. I might also do some spinning, and if I think of it I'll take some pictures of that too.

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